Since our group was made up of characters from different series, we needed some gimmick to pull them all together. I came up with the great idea to make a talk show with the characters talking about their lives after their series ended. Most of the script was written in about fifteen minutes with me just talking. Thanks to Jon for coming up with the Ruby Moon part which I couldn't do because I haven't seen enough of Cardcaptor Sakura.

Back row: Taikoubou, Ruby Moon, Youzen
Front row: Miss Deep (extra friend), Xellos
Missing: Jonnie (probably taking the picture)
  • Jonnie: Jon
    Talk show host, non-anime character created solely for this script.
  • Taikoubou: Sunil
    Main character from Senkaiden Houshin Engi (Soul Hunter), charged with sealing all the demons.
  • Ruby Moon: Ruth
    From Cardcaptor Sakura, she's Eriol's Yue equivalent.
  • Youzen: Erica
    Another character from Soul Hunter (Senkaiden Houshin Engi), who assists Taikoubou with his mission.
  • Xellos: Amber
    Trickster priest from Slayers.

Jonnie Hey everybody, welcome to Jonnie! On today’s show we have “Anime Characters Whose Series’ Have Ended: Where Are They Now?” First up, you may remember him as the lazy-hippo-riding doushi from the Sennin world, TAIKOUBOU!
Taikoubou <enters stumbling and carrying a glass>
Jonnie Yeah, so…what are you doing these days, Taikoubou?
Taikoubou <slurring> Who do you think you are, asking questions ... Barbara Walters?
Jonnie Why are you on my show intoxicated?
Taikoubou <breaks into tears> I can’t help it, they kept making me redo those takes with the sake-filled peaches…so…so…I turned to Peach Schnapps... <takes a swig from glass>
Jonnie Are you saying the show gave you a drinking problem?
Taikoubou I don’t have a problem. You have the ... <hiccup then fall face first to the ground>
Jonnie <walks to TK, prods him> Mr. Taikoubou, are you ok?
Taikoubou <barf noise>
Jonnie Uh ... moving right along. Our next guest, from an ever-popular children’s show, RUBY MOON.
Ruby Moon <enters>
Jonnie So, tell us, what have you been up to?
Ruby Moon Well, Jonnie, I’ve been making cameo appearances in random anime skits to use up time. It also gives me a chance to look for Touya. <scans audience> Touya! Touya!
Jonnie <points stage right> I think he went that way.
Ruby Moon Touya! <exits stage right>
Jonnie Our next guest is from the same series as our drunken friend over there <nods in Taikoubou's direction> He’s the blue haired genius doushi ... Please welcome YOUZEN.
Youzen <enters>
Jonnie Welcome, Youzen. What have you been up to?
Youzen I’ve spent many years meditating to find the ultimate truth.
Jonnie Really? And?
Youzen That too many of us are restricted to the roles society places upon us. We should be true to ourselves, free to be who we really are!
Jonnie And?
Youzen Well ... I’m really a woman! <opens jacket>
Jonnie Should have seen that coming, after all the Dakki-crossdressing ... <turns to audience>
Youzen <goes to help drunken Taikoubou>
Jonnie <to audience> Last up, we have everyone's favourite trickster priest: XELLOS.
Xellos <enters>
Jonnie So Xellos, what have you been up to lately?
Xellos That's a secret.
Jonnie No, seriously, what're you been up to?
Xellos That's a secret.
Jonnie <throws hands in air, frustrated> That’s it! I quit! <walks off stage>
All <stares at Jonnie leaving>
Taikoubou <barf noise>
All <exuent, helping Taikoubou up and off stage>

Quote from AnimeOnDVD's Anime North 2002 Con Report -- "The "where are they now" skit was probably one of the best."

Cosplay Page Last Updated: September 04, 2002